The best album (2016 majikick mk43) was selected from a large number of CDRs and cassette tapes released independently by MC Mango in Sapporo from 2011 to 2015, and contains all 30 songs.
His songs has simple and dark beats, catchy riffs and lyrics with dark humor which is childish and adulty. These were born from his talent, as well as the life of him that he trained every day in the idyllic and harsh mountains, and the co-starring of the music scene that he was involved in, such as around weird-meddle records.
These songs are not only the coolness and fun that attracts the ears, but also the songs that reflect the realism of his/theirs moments. And this album was produced by mastering Kazunao Nagata and Takashi Ueno with all their heart, and became to a masterpiece that was audible in even every socond.
All Performed and Recorded by MC Mango
Mastered by Kazunao Nagata
Produced by Takashi Ueno
Photo by Saya
Design by Motokazu Furukawa
札幌のMC Mangoが、2011~2015年に自主リリースした大量のCDR, カセットテープからのベスト盤 (2016 majikick mk43) 、全30曲。
シンプルでダークなビートとキャッチーなリフ、子供で大人のブラックユーモアを含んだリリック。これらは彼自身の卓越したセンスはもとより、のどかで厳しい山奥で、日々鍛錬を積んできたマンゴーの生活や、weird-meddle records周辺などの、彼が関わってきた音楽シーンの切削琢磨から生まれました。耳を惹きつけるカッコよさや、チープさ、面白さだけでなく、切ない刹那がリアルに映り込んだ楽曲を、マスタリングにあたった永田一直氏と植野隆司が心を入れてプロデュースした、隅々まで聴きごたえのあるマスターピースです。
Best Position Music Video :