Rain / Water

Kenji Kariu
Bruit Direct Disques (kariu kenji)
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All Tracks
  • ¥1,400
  • $9.34*
  • €8.62*


1 I saw you in a dream
2 Water
3 Boat
4 And Then There was light...
5 Sweets Dream
6 Going Through
7 Flower Name
8 Convenience Store
9 Sand
10 Bubbles
11 Spider
12 Umbrella

Click here to pre-order the vinyl! (Bruit Direct Disques label site)

東京を拠点に活動する“俺はこんなもんじゃない”のリーダー 狩生健志の3年ぶりとなる2024年作!オルタナティブでレフトフィールドな感性で綴られるミニマムなポップソング集!今回も工藤冬里やMamitri Yulith Empress Yonagunisan等でも知られるフランスのレーベル“Bruit Direct Disques”からのリリースです!




清水久靖(Record Shop “Reconquista”)

rain/water is the fourth album by Tokyo’s Kariu Kenji. Following 2021’s Sekai, which was also released by Bruit Direct Disques, rain/water is a gorgeous haze of song, a modern driftwork that’s creatively rich, and full of fleeting sensation – it’s an album that captures its artist in process, moving through ideas and sounds with a deft hand. It’s also another step in a ‘career’, of sorts, that’s been continually compelling, from the experimental prog touches of Kariu’s group OWKMJ (Orewakonnamonjanai), to his first two solo albums, KK (2009) and KK2 (2011), both released on the Japanese label Manso-Sha, and soundtrack work for Sawada Thunder’s Hikari no Tabi.

These twelve lush pop songs point in multiple directions, outwards to bossa nova, modern R&B and soul, ambient bliss-outs, city pop confections, and electronica. But rain/water also has a sly experimentalism at its core, the kind of experimentation that doesn’t need to call attention to itself, but that exists ‘between the cracks’ of the songs – in small, curious gestures of arrangement, in a sudden twist in melody, or an unexpected detour in a song’s narrative. In this way, they share something of the stylistic free range in other great recent avant-pop moments – think, perhaps, of the music of Maher Shalal Hash Baz; Stereolab’s more late-night, hermetic moments, or High Llamas’ recent Hey Panda.

Like those artists, there’s both intimacy and openness at the core of rain/water. It has a bedroom-studio mood, in that it’s very clearly the conceptual work of one intensely focused mind, but the music isn’t closed off to wider possibilities. You can hear this spirited riskiness in the way Kariu garlands his songs with lovely details – see the sly harmonies and vibrant purr of keyboards in “Flower Name”, for example, elements that benefit from the support of an insistent two-note figure for guitar. “Water” has a sugar-spun fragility in its chord progressions, and guitar playing, that’s pure bossa – you can hear the spirit of Vinicius Cantuaria in the music here, or maybe Arto Lindsay’s run of nineties albums, where he enacted a rapprochement between his No Wave past and the Brazilian tapestry of his early life.

rain/water feels borne of a similar impulse, to bring together compellingly divergent aesthetics. The cherry on top, though, is Kariu’s unassuming way with melody, and the sweet cadences of his voice. The lightness of breath in Kariu’s delivery is perfect for the stylishness of these songs; it’s soft but characterful, and the melodies here crumble at the edges of Kariu’s lips. It’s a lovely album – light but never slight; breezy but with a curiousness and wisdom at its core that belies the gentle touch of these twelve delightful songs.

Jon Dale

Kariu Kenji - All Music and Lyrics / Instruments and Vocals / Recording and Mixing,Mastering, Art work


A-1 夢で会いました / I saw you in a dream

夢で会いました 暗い夢でしたね 濡れた髪 かき上げ 夢を踊り明かす

夢で会いました 夢で会いましたよ 濡れた花 踏み分け 小舟に火を放つ

雨の雫が 頬を伝う 泣いていたのか

夢で会いました 暗い夢でした 舟は揺れてる 夢で会いました

I saw you in a dream. It was a dark dream, wasn't it?

You brush up wet hair, and dance away the dream.

I saw you in a dream. I think I saw you in a dream.

Stepped on a wet flower, set fire to a small boat.

A drop of rain runs down my cheek. Was I crying?

I saw you in a dream. It was a dark dream.

Boat is rocking. I saw you in a dream.

A-2 水 / Water

足元を流れる 深く濁った川 世界を追い抜いて 記憶を漂う

映画の主人公は 流れ着いた水辺 貧しい川べり 月はどこに出てる

足元を流れる 深く悲しい川 川底をさらって 金貨を数える

年寄りは静かに 水面を眺めて 口ずさむ歌はない 水はどこで出会う

深い川 沈む勇気 舟に隠した 古い写真を

昔から流れる 名も無きこの川 いつか一つになるのか 月はどこに出てる

A deep, muddy river flowing beneath my feet.

It overtakes the world and drifts through memory.

Main man of the film arrived at the water's edge.

Poor riverside. Where does the moon come out?

A deep, sad river flowing beneath my feet.

Scraping the riverbed for gold coins.

The old person quietly gazes out over the water.

There's no song to hum. Where water meets water?

Deep river, sinking courage. I hid an old photograph on the boat.

This nameless river flowing for ages. Will they become one someday?

Where does the moon appear?

A-3 舟 / Boat

窓ガラス 雨が叩くから 熱もないのに ワルツを踊ってる

ビニールの傘が 空を飛ぶ 誰かのシャツも 大きく舞い上がる

午後五時発の方舟に 積み込んだ荷物 忘れられる歌

ダンスは停まる 世界と別れる

帽子は風を追いかけた 鼠は猫を 時計は針金を

賛美歌流れる客室で 老人たちは ケーキを取り分ける

ギターを捜す 透明の手袋をつけて 刻むストローク

汽笛が鳴った 陸地を離れる

風が震えて 歌になり 傾いた船で ディナーが始まる

音楽は続く 世界を忘れる 私は忘れた

Since the rain beats down on the window.

I’m waltzing around with no fever.

Vinyl umbrellas fly in the air.

Someone's shirt is going to fly up big.

The Ark leaves at 5:00 p.m. Loaded baggage, Forgotten song.

The dance stops, so we're leaving the world.

The hat followed the wind, the mouse chased the cat, the clock chased the wire.

Hymns are flowing in the guest room. The old folks are sharing a cake.

I look for my guitar. With clear gloves on, playing fast and loose.

The whistle blew. We're leaving land.

The wind trembled and became a song. Dinner starts on a tilting ship.

The music goes on. I forget about the world. I forgot the world.

A-4 それから光が / And Then There was Light...

通りで男が 何か口走る 無意味な車が 音もなく過ぎる

ビルの上から 神様が見てる 銃を手に 雨を浴びて

砕けたガラスに祈りを捧げる 色褪せた街に 朝がやってくる

子らは手を引かれ 湖を目指す 若者は酒場のドアを破る

それから男は歌をうたいだす ビルの窓から天使が眺める

血の付いたシャツを鳩は狙ってる 墓場で音楽が土を揺らす

絡みつく蔦に オイルを振り撒く 怒りの季節に そっと火をつける

ため息の後で 銃声を聞いた ベルが鳴る さっき生まれた

通りで男が 何か口走る 不気味な車は 音もなくすぎる

ビルの上から 神様が見てる 銃を手に 雨を浴びて

それからまた光の中へ 全ての皆様ずっとお元気で いつかまた光の中で

A man on the street says something. A meaningless car passes without a sound.

God is watching from the top of the building. Gun in his hand, rain in the air.

Praying for shattered glass. Morning comes to this faded city.

The children are led by the hand to the lake. Young men violently breaks down the bar door.

Then the man starts singing. Angels look out of the building's windows.

Pigeons are after the bloody shirt. Music shakes the earth in the graveyard.

Sprinkling oil on the tangled ivy. Gently set fire to the season of anger.

After a sigh, I heard a gunshot. The bell rings, just has been born.

A man on the street says something. The creepy car go too silent.

God is watching from the top of the building. Gun in his hand, rain in the air.

Then back into the blinding light. All the best forever to all of you.

Someday again in the blinding light.

A-5 お菓子の夢 / Sweets Dream

暗い石畳 さまよう心 パンが切れたから ケーキを食べよう

マッチに火を灯す お菓子の夢

街は燃えている お菓子の夢 おかしな夢

響く石畳 さまよう子ども 水はきらめいて ワインを飲んでる

マッチは湿ってる お菓子の夢

街は燃えている お菓子の夢 おかしな夢 おかしな歌 お菓子の夢

Dark stone pavement, wandering heart. We're out of bread. Let's have cake.

I quietly lit a match. A dream of sweets.

The city is burning, a dream of sweets, a funny dream.

Echoing cobblestones Wandering children. The water is sparkling and I'm drinking wine.

The match is damp. A dream of sweets.

The city is burning.

A dream of sweets, a funny dream, a funny song, a dream of sweets.

A-6 とおりすぎる / Going Through

プールサイド雨が 汚れた夢流す 何か見たことある空

虹色の点滅 体を貫いて 何度も繰り返す

今 新しい羽をまとい プログラムどおり街を 通り抜ける

遠ざかるクラクションは おどけたシナプス揺らす 通り過ぎる

商店街、雨が 並んだ野菜洗う 薄目あけ痺れる午後

ホログラムの旅人 電子レンジが欲しい テントは吹き飛んだ

今 新しい風が吹いて ローディング中の街を 通り抜ける

怖気づく機械の列 預言者は鳥を放つ

通り過ぎる 通り過ぎる 通り過ぎる 通り過ぎる 通り過ぎる

Poolside. The rain washes away the dirty dreams. I have seen this sky before.

Rainbow-colored flashes through my body. It repeats itself over and over.

Now with new feathers. Passing through town as programmed.

Distant horns shake frightening synapses.

Going through.

Rain at the shopping street. Washing vegetables lined up. Dawning Numb Afternoon.

Holographic Traveler. I need a microwave oven. The tent was blown down.

Now a new wind is blowing. The city on loading. Going through

Rows of scared machines. The prophet released the bird.

Going through. Going through. Going through. Going through. Going through.

B-1 花の名前 / Flower Name

花の名前 聞いたけど忘れた 悪い薬みたいな名前

吸い込んだら倒れそうな 冷たい響きの君の名前

花の名前 呼んでまた忘れる どこかの海みたいな名前

口ずさんで 踏むステップ 日が沈んだ後 砂に書いた その名を 波がさらう

懐かしい歌も 長い手紙も 届かない朝に 深く沈む

君の名前 呼んでまた忘れる 帰り道 雨に濡れて 名前 呼びかければ

みんなが振り向いてしまう 不思議な力が宿った 君の名前

Flower name. I heard it, but I forgot. Name like bad medicine.

A cold sound that makes me fall down if inhaled. Your name.

Flower Name. Called out and forgot again. Name like some ocean.

I hummed its name and took the dance steps.

After the sun sets, the name in the sand will be washed away by the waves.

Sinking deep into the morning when neither nostalgic songs nor long letters reach me.

Your name. Call it and forget it again. On the way back, drenched in rain.

If I call the name. Everyone turns around. Magical power dwells in it. Your name.

B-2 コンビニへ / Convenience Store

雨が降っている 街に降っている 胸に穴が開く 風はどこへ吹く

夜のコンビニへ 負けがこんできた 意気地をなくした 失った

誰もいない ためらいがちに明るい 夜のコンビニで 何もしない

笑ってる 今何時?

雨には慣れてる だけど休ませて 空に穴が開く 修理をよろしく

今日もコンビニへ 水を買いに来た 上着を失くした 失った

誰もいない 別に構わない 夜のコンビニに 期待しない 座ってる 今何時?

誰もいない 広い駐車場 誰もいない 笑ってる 今何時?

Raining. It rains on the city. A hole in my chest. Where the wind blows.

At night, I went to a convenience store, starting to feel defeated. I lost my nerve. I lost it.

There's no one there. It's hesitantly bright. In a convenience store at night.

Nothing to do. I'm laughing. What time is it?

Rain is OK. But I need a break. There's a hole in the sky. Please fix it.

Went to the convenience store again to get some water. I lost my jacket. I lost it.

There's no one there. It doesn't matter.

I expect nothing less from a convenience store at night. I’m sitting. What time is it now?

No one there. Large parking lot. No one there. I’m laughing. What time is it?

B-3 砂 / Sand

どこへ行った ブランコ揺らす 覗き込んだ鉄格子 風のない午後

どこへ消えた スコップかつぐ 年老いた兵隊に ぶつけるボール

どこから来て どこへ向かう 消防車 埋まってる どこへ行った

二つ並んだ ラクダのこぶ 軋むバネ 揺らす身体 どこへ向かう

山は崩れる 踏みつける足 大きなカエルは砂を吐く 割れたバケツ

どこから来て どこへ向かう ブラウスが揺れている どこへ行った

Where did it go? The swings are moving. I looked through the bars. A Windless Afternoon.

Where did it go? Carrying a shovel. An old soldier get hit by a ball.

Where did it come from, where is it going? A fire truck is buried. Where did it go?

Two camel's humps in a row. Creaking springs, Shaking bodies. Where are they going?

Mountains crumbling, stomping feet. A big frog spit out sand. A broken bucket.

Where did it come from, where is it going? Blouse is swaying. Where did it go?

B-4 泡 / Bubbles

舟を浮かべる 夜に浮かべる 遠い街の灯を目指す 旅人の舟

夜は流れる 舟を浮かべて 暗い海底漂う 王様の夢

沈みゆく世界 今は気づかぬふりで あぶくを数える

並べた舟を 波がさらって 一人遊び 夜空に 声が響いていた

明かりが揺れる 窓に揺れてる 旅は終わり また今日も 汽笛がなった

沈みゆく今夜 今は気づかぬふりで あぶくを数える 百まで数える あぶくを数えた

Float a boat into the night. A traveler's boat heading for the lights of a distant city.

The night flows on, the boat floats on. A king's dream drifting on the dark sea bed.

The world is sinking, now pretend I don't notice. Counting bubbles.

The waves swept away the lined boats. Playing alone, voices echoed in the night sky. The lights are flickering on the window. The journey is over. The whistle blew again today.

The night is sinking, pretending not to notice for now.

Counting bubbles, count to one hundred. Counting bubbles.

B-5 蜘蛛 / Spider

昔見た映画 蜘蛛が戸棚に隠れて 浮かぶシルエット 空が怪しく光った

笛を吹いて 追い払って 不吉な塊をどこかへ 魔法は解けて主人公を惑わせる月

昔の人たち 夜更けに輪になって踊る 揺れる松明が 若い傷口を照らす

血を流して倒れていた ぶどう酒の杯はどこへ 魔法が解けた村に郵便が届く朝

昔の手紙が 今頃になって届く 祝いの言葉は 読めない字で書いてある

昔見た映画 蜘蛛は戸棚に隠れる 不吉な白い蜘蛛 村で干し草が燃える けむりが人々を隠す

I saw a movie before. A spider hides in a cupboard.

A silhouette appeared. The sky flashed suspiciously.

Blowing the flute, shooing away, the ominous lump away it goes.

The magic was broken. And the moon, bewitching the protagonist.

Ancient people. Dancing in a circle late at night. Flickering torches illuminate young wounds.

He was lying there bleeding. Where is the cup of wine?

The morning the spell has been lifted and the mail arrived in the village.

An old letter arrives now. The celebratory words are written in illegible script.

I saw a movie before. Spiders hide in cupboards. Ominous white spider.

Burning hay in the village. A haze of smoke covered the villagers.

B-6 傘 / Umbrella

雨がやんだら この傘をプレゼント 濡れたビニールどうしが張り付いた

にじむ赤信号 ああ 雨がやんだら この空をプレゼント

雨がやんだら この傘をプレゼント 濡れた道路に こだまする誰かの声

バスで夢を見てる ああ 雨に退屈してる

折れた蝙蝠 舞い上がるポリ袋 路地裏 バス停 魂は還らないが 腕時計の針は夏を覚えてる

雨がやんだら この空をプレゼント 傘の雫は 憶えてた暗い路を

バスに揺られている(バスに揺られていた) 窓に 空が映り込んでる

When the rain stops, I'll give you this umbrella. Wet vinyl will stick to each other.

The red light is blurred, yeah. When the rain stops, I'll give you this sky.

When the rain stops, I'll give you this umbrella. Someone's voice is heard on the wet street.

Dreaming on the bus, yeah. I'm bored with the rain.

A broken bat Umbrella. A soaring plastic bag. Back alley, bus stop, souls never return.

But the hands on my watch remember last summer.

When the rain stops, I'll give you this sky. A drop of an umbrella remembers a dark street.

I'm rocked by the bus. (I was rocked by the bus. )

The sky is reflected in the window.