For the first time in 200,000 years, I bought an electric guitar effects unit. At the local Hard Off. Hard Off also sells guitar strings, capos, and tuners. I used to buy 100 hip-hop 12 inches here (100 yen a piece) and made a cassette called Hip-Hop Tennis. Up to Vol. 4.
On the way home after buying the effects pedals, I pulled out my old effects pedals from the closet, thinking, "I haven't felt this excited in a long time". It's time to play, you guys!
During the Corona period, I had been recording at home, and the sound sources were like compositions, like demos, like notes, some with tentative songs, but all were left in a state of near-completeness.
The old man, a former boy whose rock spirit had been ignited, played electric guitar on these tracks. He played melodies and solos, and had a lot of fun. It was done.
I feel that these are not an end, but a continuation. Composing, performing, editing, etc. Some of the songs will be done by someone else, other than myself. But once we put it all together and put it out.
Everything changes in many ways. Listening is fun.
written by Ueno T (except 3,17,41 with Saya)
Saya play bass (34,38)
Photo by Asami Minami
thanks to Ken Manabe
20万年ぶりにエレキギターのエフェクターを買った。近所のハードオフで。ハードオフにはギターの弦やカポ、チューナーも売られてる。以前ここでヒップホップ12インチを100枚買って(1枚100円)、ヒップホップテニスというカセットを作った。なんとVol 4まで。