Shingo is a duo formed by tenshinkun (from Joseph Alf Polka) living in Nagoya and tango (from ESV) living in Tokyo.
As a result of the two musicians' respective personalities hitting each other as they are, several pieces of music which the weak singing style, playing lo-fi Casiotone of tenshinkun and gutsy rap, thick synths of tango cohabit in a strange balance, are born.
In the midst of this momentum, this work "Dence" was produced as a cassette tape.
In this album, shiwashiwa (from syoukyokuteki leisure, Jon no son) joined in two songs.
It is a work that affirms that each of us exists in the same place despite our loneliness and negative emotions.
Shingo is tenshinkun & tango
track 4,5 guest vocal : shiwashiwa
Recorded : mado / tenshinkun
Artwork : kani
シンゴとは、名古屋在住のてんしんくん(from ジョセフ・アルフ・ポルカ)と東京在住のタンゴ(from ESV)の二人組。
この作品にはゲストでしわしわ(from 消極的レジャー、ジョンのサン)が2曲参加、それぞれが孤独感やネガティブな感情を抱えながらも同じ場所に存在している事を肯定するような作品となっている。
シンゴ : てんしんくん、タンゴ
track 4,5 ゲストボーカル : しわしわ
ミックス、マスタリング : てんしんくん
録音 : mado、てんしんくん
アートワーク : 蚊に