NO.5 is the name of the musical unit formed by Taishiji, a beat-maker in Kagawa, and Tokiyo, a musician in Osaka (And Summer Club, etc.)
NO.5 was formed during Japan’s National Declaration of State of Emergency made in response to COVID-19. The pair connected with each other not from behind masks, but via telephone, and started out gradually by electronically exchanging sound bites. The unit’s members are said to be Taishiji and Tokiyo, but their identities and the scope of their musical activities are shrouded in mystery. It is unclear if “Taishiji” or “Tokiyo” may each actually be two or three different people. Some even believe that they may even be animals, and if you listen closely, it is said that you may hear the breath of a sleeping turtle, or the whistle of a bird in their music. The fifth person, the fifth note in a scale, the fifth word of a poem, the fifth lie, the fifth truth, the fifth night, the fifth morning. The music is being made by a fifth hand.
香川を拠点に活動するビートメイカー太史慈と、大阪を拠点に活動するミュージシャン Tokiyo(from And Summer Club)によるユニット、その名も"NO.5"。
"NO.5"はこの国の緊急事態宣言下で結成された。マスク越しならぬ、電話越しに話は決ま り、いくつかの音のやり取りから少しずつ動き出した。 太史慈とTokiyoのユニットということになってるけど実は、太史慈は二人いるかも知れな いし、Tokiyoは三人かもしれない。 動物がメンバーという説もあり、耳をすませば亀の寝息や、鳥のさえずりが聞こえてくる とかこないとか。 五番目の人、五番目の音、五番目の街、五番目の言葉、五番目の嘘、五番目の真実、五番 目の夜、五番目の朝。 五番目の手が音楽を鳴らしている。
POOL-NO.5(太史慈+Tokiyo) MV
Taishiji / 太史慈
Beat-maker active in Kagawa Prefecture making beats since 2020. Produces beats spanning a variety of genres with a strong foundation in hip-hop and house. Jan 2021: Released “Taishiji & Kotetsu E.P”, a split EP with Kotetsu Shoichiro.
香川県在住のビートメイカー。2020年からビート制作を開始。 HIP HOPやHOUSEを起点としながら様々なビートを制作している。 2021年1月Kotetsu ShoichiroとのスプリットEP「Taishiji & Kotetsu E.P」をリリー ス。
Composed/recorded soundtrack for film “Nemuru Mushi”, which was directed by Yurina Kaneko and received the Grand Prize at the MOOSICLAB 2019 film festival. In addition to being the lead guitarist of Osaka-based indie-rock band And Summer Club, she joined Toyota Michinori & His Band on guitar in 2020.
MOOSICLAB 2019にてグランプリを受賞した金子由里奈監督の映画「眠る虫」の音楽を 担当。 2020年からは、豊田道倫 & His Bandのギタリストとして活動の場を広げている。