a the sun room

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[ WAV / MP3 ]
All Tracks
  • ¥500
  • $3.31*
  • €3.06*


1 00:01:58
2 00:01:41
3 00:00:56
4 III 00:00:50
5 II 00:01:29
6 I 00:01:44
7 : 00:01:50
8 :: 00:00:49
9 ::: 00:02:24
10 ``` 00:00:42
11 `` 00:01:22
12 ` 00:00:54
13 ) 00:02:26
14 )( 00:00:46
15 - 00:01:08
16 {} 00:00:30
17 { } 00:00:41
18 {-} 00:01:15
19 - 00:00:46
20 -_ 00:01:29
21 -_- 00:00:30
22 Π 00:00:29
23 Γ 00:01:17
24 l 00:00:43
25 / 00:01:01
26 /\ 00:00:34
27 /\/ 00:00:34
28 \/\ 00:01:03
29 \/ 00:00:44
30 \ 00:00:58
31 00:00:47
32 00:01:05
33 00:01:18

"a the sun room" was recorded in Massachusetts and Vermont, USA during August and September 2020. Like catching fireflies in the summer, it is a collection of ideas that would usually drift away. It is a meditation of sorts.

"a the sun room "は、2020年8月から9月にかけてアメリカのマサチューセッツ州とバーモント州でレコーディングされました。夏に蛍を捕まえるように、普段なら漂っていきそうなアイデアの集まり。それは一種の瞑想とも言えます。


This is a collection of ideas, of meditations - unfinished and with nowhere to go. They were never made to be finished or to go anywhere. This is a sequel to a collection of songs I made in 2016 in the sun room of my parents house. During the recording of those songs I aimed to strip down the recording process to just a microphone and an open conceptualization of how a song comes about. I wanted it to feel more open and less restricted to measure and the visual medium of the DAW. Only one song from that release involved looping, the rest we recorded piece by piece, their timing fluctuating and ending when it felt right. This project aims to take that a step further, both in regards to the stripping down of the process and in terms of distance from the source. This grouping of songs was recorded in the sun room, the backyard, and a few were recorded in the forests of Vermont. They feature birds, neighborhood construction projects, crickets, cicadas, dogs, cats, rain, distant coyotes, passing cars, and the rustling of a possum or two.

thanks to Matt for bringing things to the same volume

and thanks to my friend Kevin for some creative ideas with photos and scanners


